Educational Methods in the Quran (Vol.1): Warning and Remembrance, Giving Sermon, Drawing Lesson and Ordering About
In the field of education, adopting the correct and effective method is important and necessary since negligence and mistakes in selection of the method and its application can result in misleading and destruction of the trainee. Therefore, we must seek to know and use the best and most efficient methods of education, and it is better to seek it in the Qur'an, and seek this important in the light of its luminous verses. Four methods of 1) Reminding; 2) Sermons and Advices; 3) Warning; 4) Commands and prohibitions have been studied from the perspective of the Qur'an. The reason these four come together is because they have a common function, which is their alerting and motivating aspect. The relationship between these four methods is such that they form a spectrum of methods in order to achieve a goal. In this spectrum, first one is alerted by the method of reminding, and then by preaching and advice, a kind of tenderness of the heart is created. This is emphasized by the method of warning. Finally, with the command and prohibition, the trainee is faced with some kind of obligation to change his behavior.