Reading Arabic Fictional Texts

Author(s) : Naser gholi Sarli, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1616
Updated At : 16 October 2021
First Print Publication : 2012
3rd Print Publication: 2020
Available Languages : Arabic
156 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-792-7

ISBN : 978-964-530-792-7
Also Available as E-book

This book contains a diverse collection of stories, narratives, anecdotes, and ancient Arabic narrative texts: Qur’anic stories, the stories of the prophets, the anecdotes of Sufism and the wise, love stories, stories such as Lily and Majnoon which were later translated into Persian, stories such as Kelileh Demneh which has been translated from Persian into Arabic, the tales of the subtle and the shrewd, the tales of the Tofailians(parasites), the tales of the proverbs, the tales that show some Arabic customs and ethics (such as the tales about generosity and loyalty). The aim is to acquaint students with Arabic fiction and to pay attention to the Arabic-Persian literary relations in the field of fiction literature.

الدّرس الأوّل: سُورهُ یوسُفَ
الدّرس الثّانی: مِن «سیرهِ رَسولِ الله» (ص)
الدّرس الثّالث: قصصٌ مِن صدرِ الإِسلام
الدّرس الرّابع: قصَّهُ أیّوب (ع)
الدّرس الخامس: مِن حکایاتِ الصّوفیّهِ
الدّرس السّادس: عُقَلاءُ المَجانین
الدّرس السّابع: أخبارُ المَجنونِ
الدّرس الثّامن:‌ کلیله و دمنه (1)
الدَّرسُ التّاسِعُ: کلیله و دمنه (2)
الدّرسُ العاشِرُ: مِنْ حکایات السّندباد البَحریّ
الدّرس الحادی عشر: قصص الأذکیاء و المغَفَّلین
الدّرس الثّانی عشر: قِصصُ الأمثالِ
الدّرس الثّالث عشر: فی المُرُوءهِ وَ الکَرَمِ
الدّرس الرّابع عشر: ‌أخبارُ الطُّفَیلیّینَ
الدّرس الخامس عشر: أخبارُ الظِّرافِ

Author(s) : Naser gholi Sarli, PhD