Groups : Arts

Enameling on Metal

Author(s) : Mona Eslami, Poopak Rahnamoon
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1620
Updated At : 13 October 2021
Published At : 2019/10/20
First Print Publication : 2012
5th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
100 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-800-9

ISBN : 978-964-530-800-9
Also Available as E-book

Enameling on metal includes painting and decorating metal works made of copper, silver, and gold, which are decorated with colored glazes and is among the industrial arts whose delicate and valuable works with fiery colors have been protected from the effects of various events for many years and have placed among the everlasting works of art. This collection as an educational guide to the art of enameling in six chapters try to explain this art according to the historical background of enameling in Iran and the world as well as to introduce suitable metals for enameling, recognizing methods of preparing and decorating enameling works, making different types of glazes, traditional enameling methods, and new artistic methods are dedicated to the production of pottery. In this book, by presenting the executive principles, tips and subtleties of the art of metal enameling have been provided to those who are interested in this art.

Author(s) : Mona Eslami, Poopak Rahnamoon