Groups : Arts

The Art of Wood Carving

Author(s) : Mehdi Amraei
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1647
Updated At : 13 October 2021
First Print Publication : 2012
Available Languages : Persian
248 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-834-4

ISBN : 978-964-530-834-4
Also Available as E-book

The history of wood calving shows the ups and downs which indicates the close connection of this art with the society and cultural, social, and political events of its time. Using the least equipment and facilities and only with the help of his creative spirit, the traditional artist has been able to create innovative and valuable works, each of which today adorns the world-renowned treasures and collections. Studying and recognizing this rich background is a beacon for artists and students in order to achieve the structural and content development of this Iranian-Islamic art.

Author(s) : Mehdi Amraei