Games Theory and It's Applications (Incomplete Information, Evolutionary and Cooperative)
Conflict and cooperation is one of the main features in the behavior of people, institutions, organizations, countries, etc. that appears under conditions of interaction with others (opponents. "Game theory" is the science of studying these conflicts (conflicts of interest) and collaborations between wise players. In this book, game theory models with incomplete information, i.e., when players do not already have information about the achievement of game (outcome), along with its applications in various fields, such as auctions (tenders), information transfer, market, international relations, the second-hand goods market, signaling, military arenas, investments, etc. have been studied. When the rational behavior of players is limited to various reasons, "evolutionary game theory" is used, which is widely used in biology, the study of social and cultural changes, evolutionary economics, philosophy, etc.; How to use it is one of the notable topics in this book. In many cases, the players compete with each other to their detriment, leading them to form alliances. Another topic in this book is "Collaborative Game Theory", which deals with how to form lasting coalitions and distribute coalition interests among members.
Selected Book of the 1st Dehkhoda Badge Festival, 2015