Groups : Law

Labour Law (Vol.II)

Author(s) : Seyed Ezatollah Araghi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1655
Updated At : 28 September 2021
Published At : 2019/02/12
First Print Publication : 2012
6th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
428 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-843-6

ISBN : 978-964-530-843-6
Also Available as E-book

In labor law, it is important to note that the characteristics of a worker’s commitments that is, doing work personal, supervised and accurate - as well as the employer’s extensive authority to run the workshop, It requires the establishment of appropriate working conditions, including the working time, the safety of the work environment, the special conditions of women and adolescents, a fair wage appropriate to the needs of the worker and protecting the payment. Fulfilling these minimum conditions is necessary to respect the human dignity of the worker, and ignoring these protections - which threaten the health and sometimes the life of the worker - will be the responsibility of the employer. On the other hand, policy-making in training as a prerequisite to employment, paves the way for the implementation of coherent employment-generating programs, establishes regulatory monitoring mechanisms, helps resolve labor disputes through appropriate institutions, and respects the international commitments, including government tasks in a developed and modern method.

Author(s) : Seyed Ezatollah Araghi, PhD

tags: Law labour law