Theory and Practice of Instructional Media In Digital Age
The Theory and Practice of Educational Media in the Digital Age consists of two main parts, the first part deals with the “theory” and the second one deals with the “practice” of educational media in the digital age. Given that in the field of educational technology, in recent decades, more attention has often been paid to the hardware aspects of educational media, and less attention to their epistemological and theoretical aspects. This book consciously avoids merely introducing digital media, educational media and expressing their various educational applications and for greater efficiency, it has dealt with the theoretical underpinnings of digital media in three main areas: first, explaining the implications of the new paradigm of complexity and chaos theory for education; Second, expressing different views on the relationship between “technology and education” as well as explaining the new conceptual and philosophical framework in this regard; Third, the introduction of a new theory of learning called “communicationism”. This theory, which has been considered by scientific and educational circles in the world in recent years, claims the theory of learning in the digital age. The second part of the book, the “practice” of educational media, is dedicated to introducing media that have been born and are growing, especially in the last decade. This book is not just for educators, designers, and planners in the field of education. Those interested in higher education, non-formal education, and organizational learning can be just as interested in this book.