Teaching Methods of Religious Education

Author(s) : Akbar Solaimannezhad, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1707
Updated At : 10 October 2021
Published At : 2019/10/21
First Print Publication : 2013
8th Print Publication: 2020
Available Languages : Persian
240 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-910-5

ISBN : 978-964-530-910-5
Also Available as E-book

The child’s interest in religion and God is not acquired, but, it is within him and it will actualize in the post-pubertal ages. Education is, in principle, responsible for maintaining and strengthening these tendencies, and the teacher nurtures them. She should not convince the child of the existence of God but should maintain and flourish this innate belief in God in him. To achieve this, by expressing the effects of divine mercy and filling the heart and mind of the child with these effects, he must fill his whole being with this emotional love and be the source of his strong faith in the future. It has been accepted by teachers for many years that the curriculum should be appropriate to the age and understanding of the students, but this is often overlooked when it comes to religious instruction. If we are to plan the religious education of students according to their characteristics, we have to step into their childish world and look at them from the perspective of religious teachings.


Author(s) : Akbar Solaimannezhad, PhD