Reading Journalistic English Texts

Author(s) : Robabeh Pahlevan Bagheri, Neda Kavoossi
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Imam Sadegh University Research Center
Code : 1712
Updated At : 16 January 2021
Published At : 2016/04/04
First Print Publication : 2016
Available Languages : English
320 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0312-2

ISBN : 978-600-02-0312-2

Many ESL/EFL students would like to read English newspapers, but they find it too difficult, in part because they do not know enough about the conventions of newspapers and newspaper articles or because they tend to approach newspaper articles in class from the perspective of form – grammar and vocabulary, rather than the “informative purpose” for which it is intended. This book aims at encouraging students to bin their phobias relating to English newspapers, looking at them as a rich source for learning the language and appreciating them as a sign of literacy in the target language. Our outlook is a little different in that it “takes it easy”! We thought it might be better to come out in a “less serious attitude” and appear as colorful and frolic as possible to “loosen the tension” already present in the black and white newspapers.

Introduction & Overview for the Teacher
Breaking the Ice!
Part 1: Strategies for Understanding Newspapers
Introduction to Part 1
Chapter 1: Understanding Headlines & Headlinese
Chapter 2: Guessing Meaning from Context
Chapter 3: Critical Reading Strategies
Part 2: Kinds of News
Introduction to Part 2
Chapter 4: Politics & Current Affairs
Chapter 5: Business & Technology
Chapter 6: Health & Sports
Chapter 7: Society & Culture

Author(s) : Robabeh Pahlevan Bagheri, Neda Kavoossi