Teaching Rhyme and Meters Through Questioning
According to the author, poetry is the twin of man and rhymes are the twin of poetry. Feeling, perception, and understanding the rhymes is easy and sometimes requires attention and education for any speaker who is a good listener, but explaining this feeling, perceiving and understanding requires more effort and more knowledge, which is called prosody. Prose seeks to shed a person’s sense of rhymes within the framework of scientific rules to show where the origin of this sense comes from and how the words which construct the lines and verses create poetry with the help of phonemes. Twenty years of experience of the author in teaching this course at the University of Tehran is the reason for the authenticity of this book. In his book, he teaches pronouns in different ways, and for this training, there are three stages: elementary (introduction to the concept of rhymes), intermediate (perceiving rhymes through syllable fragmentation and understand the prose by referring to the book), and advanced (rhymes and prose by listening to poetry which is recognized through the ear and finally what can be learned in the prose are formed in the mind of the listener. The book is organized into fifteen lessons and consists of four appendices in which the meanings of the Rhymes and Meters, points about proses, circles, and Zahafat (prosodic changes), the answers to the book exercises, and sample questions of Rhymes and Meters in the national master’s exams are given. The method of arranging the lessons in this book is based on the question and answer method; first, the reader’s mind is prepared by asking a question, and then the aspects of the subject are determined to allow the learners to be reminded quickly.