Fundamentals and Principles of Practical Mysticism

Author(s) : Ahmad Hossein Sharifi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1735
Updated At : 19 April 2021
Published At : 2013/04/07
First Print Publication : 2013
Available Languages : Persian
424 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-981-5
Price : IRR 105,000

ISBN : 978-964-530-981-5

In this book, the author has tried to deal with some of the principles of practical mysticism in Islam with a scholarly look, far from extremism. The "Triple Relationship among Shari'a, the Tariqa and the Haqiqa (truth)", "Conduct Pluralism", "Extraordinary Miracles and Works", "Mystical Revelations", "What is Conduct" and "The reason of Conduct" are the most important principles of practical mysticism, which are analyzed in this book.

Author(s) : Ahmad Hossein Sharifi, PhD