Groups : Psychology

Environment Psychology

Author(s) : Hassan Shams Esfandabad, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1786
Updated At : 02 October 2021
Published At : 2019/12/04
First Print Publication : 2014
304 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-998-3
Price : IRR 320,000

ISBN : 978-964-530-998-3

Given the scope of “environment psychology”, which covers a wide range of topics such as resource management, handling in crowded environments, the impact of various sources of stress on human physical and mental health, information processing, territory and ecology, residential environments, educational environments, work environments, is related to many other disciplines such as sociology, environmental health, environment, architecture and urban planning, roads and buildings, and the arts. This book in its thirteen chapters on the nature and history of “environment psychology”, environmental perception and cognition, environmental attitudes explains the theories about the relationship between environment and behavior, environmental stresses and ways to deal with them, as well as the congestion and personal space and their psychological impact on the job, their territory and ecosystems. It also discusses the natural residential, educational, work, and rest environments, and behavior change to preserve the environment.

Author(s) : Hassan Shams Esfandabad, PhD