Persian Exegetic Texts (with a Focus on Kashf-al-Asrar and Rawzal Janan)

Author(s) : Mohammad Mahdi Rokni Yazdi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Astan Ghods Razavi Research Foundation
Code : 1827
Updated At : 16 October 2021
Published At : 2014/04/12
First Print Publication : 2014
Available Languages : Persian
244 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0058-9
Price : IRR 65,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0058-9

The Holy Quran, which is at the highest level of eloquence and rhetoric, its ancient translations and Exegesis also have a high degree in eloquence and beauty, As the work of the exegetes is literary and rich, readable and learnable, and their study acquaints us with the background of Quranic culture and language today and The students of Persian literature need to be aware of them. Persian Exegetic Texts are excerpts from several important Exegesis, especially Kashfat al-Asrar (Meybodi) and Rawdat al-Jannan (Abu al-Futuh Razi), which are provided in three books with explanations of words, terms, grammatical and linguistic features, and are presented to the students and literary lovers.

Author(s) : Mohammad Mahdi Rokni Yazdi, PhD