Basics and Principles of Public Policy Making

Author(s) : Hamid Reza Malekmohammadi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1879
Updated At : 28 September 2021
Published At : 2020/06/08
First Print Publication : 2015
224 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0126-5
Price : IRR 250,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0126-5

Public policies determine the frameworks of our lives in society and therefore need to be carefully explored. Thus, the knowledge that plays this important role is the knowledge of public policy. In this knowledge, the world of politics is examined and criticized from birth to the death of a policy. These policies have been enacted by governments and non-governmental public institutions in various fields so that life has a normal and forward-looking routine, there is no obstacle to the functions of life, and if there is, it can be solved without much difficulty and cost. In this book, we have tried to provide the main principles and concepts of this knowledge in the form of writings with the standards of an academic text to our specific and general audience.

Author(s) : Hamid Reza Malekmohammadi, PhD