An Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy of Science

Author(s) : Reza Sadeqi , PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1927
Updated At : 02 October 2021
Published At : 2017/04/04
First Print Publication : 2015
2nd Print Publication: 2017
Available Languages : Persian
428 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0204-0
Price : IRR 190,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0204-0
Also Available as E-book

This book is an educational text that introduces the main schools of philosophy of science in the twentieth century. In this book, while discussing the three schools of positivism, falsifiability, and relativism, the backgrounds of the emergence of these three schools are introduced. The advantage of the book is that by expressing the criticisms of each of these schools towards each other, it simultaneously defends the objectivity of empirical knowledge by relying on an expression of moderate rationalism. Essentialism and the causality principle are discussed as two presuppositions of rationalism, and materialism and the claim of the separation of knowledge from value are discussed as two assumptions of empiricism.

Author(s) : Reza Sadeqi , PhD