Groups : Management

Managerial Movements in Public Sector: Past, Present and Future (Vol.ll)

Author(s) : Hasan Danaiefard, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1986
Updated At : 29 September 2021
Published At : 2019/11/05
First Print Publication : 2016
3rd Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
284 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0284-2
Price : IRR 250,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0284-2
Also Available as E-book

When governments were formed and the states came into being, the administration of public affairs appeared. In other words, the administration of public affairs is an act that is done by the government, and since the point of contact between the people and the government is public administration, the people of every country think of the administration of public affairs as the government or state. This book talks about important management movements in the public sector. The author has tried to develop a kind of normative-ideal framework for Islamic and non-Islamic thinkers about the understanding of public administration in Iran. Also, by studying the complete evolution of the Islamic Public Affairs Administration movement, reviewing research and published domestic and foreign works on it, justifying the possibility of forming the Islamic Public Affairs Administration and enumerating its theoretical foundations, formulates important orders or lessons governing this movement and framework. The author provides studies of the Islamic Public Administration in the light of those orders. The second volume of this book is published in 6 chapters.

Author(s) : Hasan Danaiefard, PhD

Selected Book of the 9th Farabi International Award, 2017