Russia: Society, Politics and Government

Author(s) : Mehdi Sanaei, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1996
Updated At : 28 September 2021
Published At : 2017/04/02
First Print Publication : 2011
3rd Print Publication: 2017
Available Languages : Persian
420 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0317-7
Price : IRR 200,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0317-7
Also Available as E-book

What lies ahead for readers is the result of a slow but continuous, multi-year research activity. In this work, an attempt has been made to expand the framework of the usual studies of “politics and government” and to include the religious, cultural, identity, and intellectual fields. One of the advantages of this research is the extensive use of Russian resources along with other sources and observation and study of developments closely and in the field. The reason for the delay in completing this research was not only my executive occupation but also the frequent occurrence of new and fundamental changes in Russia’s domestic and foreign policy in recent years and the need to change and add content. Instead of focusing on the general frameworks and historical records published in other works, the author focuses on the current situation and the characteristics of contemporary Russia, and the latest developments in the time of Vladimir Putin. This research is a short step to understand the historical background of the intellectual and social infrastructure as well as the developments and political structures of the country that all researchers acknowledge the complexity and difficulty of understanding. Some Russian scholars, in explaining the complexity of the issues in this land, refer to the main Russian souvenir matryoshka, which is a colored doll with nested dolls inside, so that each matryoshka you open you see another matryoshka.

Author(s) : Mehdi Sanaei, PhD