Groups : Economics

Tracing the Development of the Economic Thoughts of Muslim Thinkers

Author(s) : Mohammad Reza Yousefi Sheikh Robat, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2000
Updated At : 18 April 2021
Published At : 2016/04/10
First Print Publication : 2016
Available Languages : Persian
544 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0286-6
Price : IRR 285,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0286-6
Also Available as E-book

This book, in its kind, is a thematically new compilation. The author attempts to carefully explore the economic ideas of Muslim thinkers and in this regard has referred to many different sources. In this book, the author has shown the evolution of Muslim economic theories in the context of the valuable history and heritage of the past. Explaining various jurisprudential, philosophical and moral views and their impact on the economic thinking of Muslim communities is another feature of this book. This book, by reflecting on the thoughts of the greats of Islamic civilization, has provided an important tool for theorizing and providing models for the contemporary world.

Author(s) : Mohammad Reza Yousefi Sheikh Robat, PhD

Highly-Praised in the 10th Islamic Economy Festival, 2017
Highly-Praised in the 35th IRI Book of the Year Award, 2017