Grammaire Comparée Française et Persane

Author(s) : Mohammad Javad Kamali , PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2015
Updated At : 30 October 2021
Published At : 2017/04/04
First Print Publication : 2016
2nd Print Publication: 2017
Available Languages : Persian
164 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0333-7

ISBN : 978-600-02-0333-7
Also Available as E-book

We understand the rules of a foreign language better and more easily when we know the grammatical rules of our mother tongue well. Based on this principle of learning, this book, in nine independent chapters, examines and compares the most important grammatical components of French and Persian. The author has tried to explain the subject well by mentioning various examples from both languages and their translations. Studying this textbook and answering its exercises can not only improve students’ language skills but also strengthen their skills in translation courses.

Author(s) : Mohammad Javad Kamali , PhD