Arabic Classical Fiction (Typology and Elements Analysis)

Author(s) : Khalil Parvini, PhD, Hooman Nazemian, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Tarbiat Modarres University
Code : 2050
Updated At : 23 January 2022
Published At : 2019/09/29
First Print Publication : 2017
Last Print Publication : 2019
Available Languages : Persian
604 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0404-4

ISBN : 978-600-02-0404-4

In recent decades, some useful work has been done in ancient Arabic literature in the Arab world, but none of them has been compiled with the approach and method of this book. In this book, instead of following the traditional methods of studying the history of Arabic literature, which are based on political developments and the rise and fall of dynasties and governments, or the division of literary periods according to political chronology, the authors have tried to base their research on the typology and study of Arabic fiction and examines its evolution and development. Also, besides the various solutions, in order to acquaint the readers with the text and style of the stories, in addition to analyzing the narrative elements, examples of the stories have been translated into Persian and their Arabic text has been provided. Certainly, understanding the art and Arabic classical fiction and its typology will also help students and scholars to understand the new Arabic fiction.

Author(s) : Khalil Parvini, PhD, Hooman Nazemian, PhD

Highly-Praised in the 4th Dehkhoda Badge Festival, 2018