Groups : Archeology

An Introduction to Genetic Archaeology

Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2055
Updated At : 23 January 2022
Published At : 2016/04/03
First Print Publication : 2016
Available Languages : Persian
440 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0411-2

ISBN : 978-600-02-0411-2
Also Available as E-book

In this book, genetic experiments are introduced as one of the ways that may answer some archaeological problems and lead to new evaluations and solutions. The human evolutionary past is a puzzle with very separate pieces, including surviving fossils, cultural material, and now the human genome. These pieces need to be put together to provide plausible theories about human history. Today's technology and science have advanced to the point where it can be called the age of the genome. It should be noted that the genome is an extremely effective tool that looks at the puzzle more closely and provides researchers with more acceptable results. The contents of this book are written so simply that no complexity or advanced biological knowledge is required to understand it. Numerous examples are given to better understand the material. An example of a case study (DNA sequence of skeletons from the Middle Ilam period) to identify the haplo group to which the skeletons belongs is given at the end of the book, and readers will see the results of theoretical discussions in a practical experiment.