Groups : Economics

Islamic Considerations in Muslim Business Relations

Author(s) : Hadi Ghaffari, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2076
Updated At : 23 January 2022
Published At : 2017/04/02
First Print Publication : 2017
Available Languages : Persian
296 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0456-3

ISBN : 978-600-02-0456-3
Also Available as E-book

The present book is the result of many years of experience, research, study and teaching by the author in various economic courses including international trade, Islamic economics and the early Islamic economic system in universities. In compiling this book, the author has tried to use the primary historical, hadith and jurisprudential sources in explaining international trade in Islam. He, who has also paid attention to new topics and resources appropriate to the requirements of the time, has added to the richness of the book by including current topics in the field of international trade, as needed.

Author(s) : Hadi Ghaffari, PhD