An Introduction to Cognitive Science and Technologies and its Applications

Author(s) : Sayyed Kamal Kharrazi, PhD. in Collaboration with a Team of Professors
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2084
Updated At : 23 January 2022
Published At : 2018/04/07
First Print Publication : 2017
2nd Print Publication: 2018
Available Languages : Persian
456 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0447-1

ISBN : 978-600-02-0447-1
Also Available as E-book

Cognitive science and technology have attracted the attention of the world’s top universities and research centers in recent decades, and it is expected that in the present century, significant changes will take place in the field of science and technology and in human life. It is predicted that cognitive sciences and technologies by studying the cognitive functions of the mind/brain and its mechanisms can offer new solutions based on the brain function in the treatment of mental illness and cognitive impairments, change the view of individual behaviors and social phenomena, and strategies to strengthen human cognitive functions. This book is an introductory work that has been written to acquaint undergraduate students with cognitive sciences and technologies. Each chapter of the book describes one of the dimensions of cognitive science and technology so that students of different disciplines can get familiar with this field and its applications.

Author(s) : Sayyed Kamal Kharrazi, PhD. in Collaboration with a Team of Professors