Policies to Tackle Crime and Corruption

Author(s) : Hamid Reza Malekmohammadi , PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : the Council of Transformation and Promotion of the Humanities
Code : 2355
Updated At : 19 December 2021
Published At : 2020/10/14
First Print Publication : 2020
Available Languages : Persian
148 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-2130-0

ISBN : 978-600-02-2130-0
Also Available as E-book

Public Policy Knowledge, which examines the formulation and implementation of public policies by governments and non-governmental public institutions, focuses on dynamic, energetic, and active areas called  criminal policy and review and analysis of policies in this area. Policymakers in this field try to formulate and implement the most effective policies to control crime with the ultimate goal of “protecting the public” while recognizing crime and deviance and the exact coordinates of the societies in which crime and deviance occur.

Author(s) : Hamid Reza Malekmohammadi , PhD