Shore of Nirvana: A Commentary on the Heart Sutra

Author(s) : Alireza Shojaie
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2166
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2018
Available Languages : Persian
288 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0576-8

ISBN : 978-600-02-0576-8

Sutrahe Del is a Mahayana Buddhist scripture, especially Vajrayana, which represents the religious culture and thought of China, Japan, Korea and Tibet. Since this sutra is the abstract or abbreviated form of the works of metacognitive perfection, it is called the sutra Del. Understanding the Sutra Del is a great step in understanding the Mahayana mystical teachings and especially the Tibetan mystical tradition. This text was written to provide part of the content of the Buddhist texts course for students of Eastern religions, especially Buddhist studies.

Author(s) : Alireza Shojaie