Critical Theory: An Interdisciplinary Coursebook (Vol. I)

Author(s) : Hossein Payandeh, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2200
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2018
3rd Print Publication: 2020
Available Languages : Persian
548 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0617-8

ISBN : 978-600-02-0617-8

In our country, the exact meaning of “criticism” is usually ignored. Literary activists often do not distinguish between “review and introduction”, “analysis” and “critique”. and mistakenly consider any type of writing in which the author has commented on a literary text as “critique”. It is only through the introduction of scientific theories of literary criticism and their practical application that can put an end to these misconceptions and expectations. This book introduces a collection of the most widely used critical theories to the researchers in this field. These theories include formalism (new critique), psychoanalysis, structuralism, narratology, myth-archetypal critique, modern historiography, Lacanian critique, women’s studies, poetic semiotics (Rifater approach), postmodernism, cultural studies, semiotics (Saussure, Peirce, Bart approach), the Reader-response criticism. Each chapter has a fixed framework as follows:

- General considerations about the theory of the same chapter

- The basic principles and assumptions of that theory

- Criticism methodology with that theory

- Texts that are more suitable for critique with that theory

- Questions that critics of that theory want to answer

- Advantages and limitations of that theory

- Guidelines for writing a critique of that theory

- Examples of practical critique based on that theory

 - Review the examples of criticism

The key terms of the theory of literary criticism in this book are introduced to the audience with an interdisciplinary approach and therefore the author has tried to meet the needs of students in various fields of literature and humanities, both in terms of discussion and practical criticism.

Author(s) : Hossein Payandeh, PhD

Selected Book of the 18th ITF Critics, Writers and Researchers Association, 2019

Selected Book of the 12th Jalal Ale-Ahmad Literary Award, 2019

Selected Book of the 26th Academic Book of the Year Award, 2019

Selected Book of the 37th IRI Book of the Year Award, 2018