Educational Theories of Muslim Scholars in Education and Its Principles (Vol.6): Imam Khomeini

Author(s) : Mohammad Beheshti
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Code : 2269
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2019
Available Languages : Persian
368 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-298-217-9

ISBN : 978-600-298-217-9

Imam Khomeini (RA) is one of the great educators, knowledgeable in the field of education and has an accurate and innovative educational manner, of course, this is due to the comprehensiveness of his scientific personality and the result of reflection on the Holy Quran and the teachings of the infallible Ahl al-Bayt. This book has been written with the aim of extracting and inferring Imam Khomeini’s educational thoughts from his various works and analyzing the principles, goals, and foundation of his educational thought based on the pattern of educational areas. Doctrinal and devotional education, moral and mystical education, social and political education, scientific, intellectual and technological education, and aesthetic and artistic education from Imam Khomeini’s point of view are different areas that have been studied in the chapters of this book, This research shows that Imam Khomeini’s educational ideas have benefited from a coherent and harmonious system.

Author(s) : Mohammad Beheshti