School Curriculum Development for Postgraduate Students
Education is a journey in which different stages go through until the traveler reaches his destination. The final goal is to achieve the general goals of education, which have been developed in the light of the goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran and have been presented to all curriculum designers. The secondary education grade is one of the stages between this journey and the most important of them because, at this stage, the student is at the crossroads of the life: the first way is his own needs and desires that can not be ignored; The second way is the expectations of society, which determine the relationship between the rights and duties between the individual and society; The third way is the future of a career and profession that should be oriented in the same level, and the fourth way is the world of science and expertise, which manifests in student’s field of study and different courses. At the secondary education level, the required abilities to pass the crossroads of life should be strengthened and a useful citizen should be trained.