Principles of Islamic Economics

Author(s) : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Edited by: Prof.Ali Mohammad Naghavi, Prof. Shah M. Waseem
Publisher : Aligarh Muslim University
In Cooperation with : SAMT
Code : 1816
Updated At : 11 January 2022
Published At : 2014/01/01
First Print Publication : 2014
Available Languages : English
218 Pages



Islamic Economics is the subject that has emerged in the second half of the 20th century. Though, Islamic texts and classical subjects included precepts and discussions which relate to Economics and classical Muslim scholars produced voluminous books under the title of Kitāb al Kharāj which directly dealt with monetary and tax systems. Yet the discipline of Islamic Economics appeared only in modern period.

This book aptly discusses consumption, production, exchange and distribution as also the levying of Islamic taxes –Zakāt and Khums – for the benefit of the deserving to be willingly given by those rich and those, who have resources. It is indeed a valuable addition to the existing literature on Economics.

Author(s) : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Edited by: Prof.Ali Mohammad Naghavi, Prof. Shah M. Waseem