Introduction to The Sciences Of QUR'AN (1)

Author(s) : Mohammad Hadi Ma'refat
Translator(s) : Salim Rossier, Mansoor Limba
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1788
Updated At : 31 January 2021
Published At : 2014/01/01
First Print Publication : 2014
Available Languages : English
269 Pages
ISBN : 978-1-910178-01-0

ISBN : 978-1-910178-01-0

The present book is an abridged translation of Ayatollah Muhammad Hadi Ma'refat magnum opus, al-Tamhid fi Ulum al-Qur'an (Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an) which is arguably an indispensable contemporary contribution to the Qur'anic studies. As an exemplar academic research, it delves into many crucial issues about the Qur'an and its history without taking sides. Its critical approach and cross-dimensional and denominational analyses makes it stand out as an example of a work which can form a bridge between the classic and the modern perspectives in the field.

Author(s) : Mohammad Hadi Ma'refat
Translator(s) : Salim Rossier, Mansoor Limba

"A fascinating glimpse into contemporary understandings of the Quranic Sciences by a most prominent specialist in the field. Perhaps especially noteworthy for the non-Muslim reader is Ayatollah Ma'rifat's emphasis on the orality of the Quran. Altogether a most welcome addition to the growing body of Shi'a materials available in English."

Dr. Andrew J. Newman, University of Edinburgh


"A very useful text, presenting with great clarity a range of responses to important issues by a leading authority from the Shi'a intellectual world. The translation is fluent and presents accurately the flavor of the cultural world from which it emanates."

Prof. Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky