Hadith-Oriented Study of Ethics

Author(s) : Hujjatuleslam Abbas Passandideh
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : the University of Quran and Hadith
Code : 1250
Updated At : 11 January 2021
Published At : 2011/09/01
First Print Publication : 2009
Available Languages : Persian
216 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-326-4

ISBN : 978-964-530-326-4

A large proportion of Islamic tradition is comprised of ethical Hadiths. Due to the significance of ethics in the life of humanity and with regard to the fact that final goal of Islam is the development of humankind, it is supposed that this subject will be placed in the center of scientific debates.
In ethical Hadiths one faces two issues: “ethical concepts” and “ethical system”. Ethical concepts are the general subjects of ethics such as piety, patience, forbearance, chastity, hope, prudence, love, etc for each of which some statements have been pronounced; and there are often some statements about each ethical concept whose quantity differs in relation to each concept. In this collection, each single statement or each group of statements of Hadiths will explain a part or an
aspect of the concept under discussion.
However, the “ethical system” consists of the general structure of ethics which itself is made out of the combination of ethical concepts. Each of ethical concepts has a special position in the broader sense of the word ethics. When they are put in their right place, they comprise the total structure of ethics and thus the ethical system becomes meaningful.

This book is in six chapters. The first chapter is allotted to the principles of ethical self-control. In this chapter, by means of Narration of Hadiths, some principles are put forth and an attempt is made to derive rational points from ethical statements. In the second chapter, the key factor in self-control, i.e. intellect, and concepts of knowledge and piety which are the main components of intellect and, on other hand, their antitheses, ignorance and debauchery are studied. In the third chapter, the practical principles of self-control which consists of experience, admonition, decency, hope, prudence, love, gratitude and mercy are discussed. The forth chapter is allocated
to the outcome of self-control and thus the concepts of chastity and forbearance are analyzed. In the fifth chapter, the difficulties of self-control are noted and the concept of patience which helps to endure these difficulties is analyzed. The final chapter is dedicated to the system of self-control.

Compiled for the students of Hadith studies for the course in the Jurisprudence of Hadith (1)”, this book discusses “ethical concepts” regarding “self-control”.

Author(s) : Hujjatuleslam Abbas Passandideh