Contemporary Islamic Movements

Author(s) : Sayyed Ahmad Movaseghi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 144
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 1995
16th Print Publication: 2017
Available Languages : Persian
400 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0076-3

ISBN : 978-600-02-0076-3
Also Available as E-book

In this book a number of important social and political movements in the Islamic world in recent centuries and at the present time are studied and analyzed. Spatial and geographic sphere of discussion involves a great part of the developing countries (Islamic world) which have points in common in their historical and cultural heritage and in their socio-political structures as well.
The aim of this book is the scientific study of thought and political experiences of the Muslims deeming changes in the present situation necessary and who believe it is needed to explain and justify Islamic movements in the paradigm of social changes and political reformations. This study determines the factors of progress, defeat or loss and their outcomes. It also studies the general process and evolution of the aforementioned movements in an Islamic intellectualpolitical system on an Islam-wide basis as Ummat, so that Muslims and especially Tollab, who study and do researche at universities or Hozeh, understand the importance of postrevolutionary
Iran as one of the most perfect rings in the chain of Islamic movements.
The book is in two parts and eight chapters. The first part titled “Historical Background and Theoretical Analysis”, considers Islamic movements. In this part internal transformations of the Islamic world from prominence to marginality and reactions and intellectual-political stances in the contemporary Islamic world are covered. In the second part “The Most Important Islamic Movements in Recent Years” are studied. Movements studied in this part are as follows:
Wahabis Movement in Arabia; Shah Walliullah Movement in India; Senussi Movement in Libya; Mahdi Sudani Movement; the Indian Khilafat Movement; and the Islamic movements in Indonesia.
There is a conclusion at the back of the book.

Compiled for the students of political science as a textbook for a course in Contemporary Islamic Movements”, this book studies and analyzes a number of important social and political movements in the Islamic world in recent centuries and at the present time.

Author(s) : Sayyed Ahmad Movaseghi, PhD