Political Thoughts in Islam and Iran

Author(s) : Hatam Qaderi , PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 339
Updated At : 16 January 2021
First Print Publication : 1999
18th Print Publication: 2020
Available Languages : Persian
264 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-518-3

ISBN : 978-964-530-518-3
Also Available as E-book

The book is in five parts and seventeen chapters. In the first chapter titled “theories of political systems” issues of Caliphate, Imamate, political system of Shi’ah and Khavarij are discussed. In the second part “political ideas of the Sunni scholars”, like Mavirdi and Al-Ghazali, and also the problem of theorizing in the absence of the caliphate are addressed. In the third part “statesmanship and political tract writing” focus on political tract and Khaje Nezam Al-Molk. In the fourth part “the political-social philosophy” of Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Khaje Nasiriddin Tusi, ibn Khaldun, and political philosophy in Islamic Spain are covered. In the fifth part titled “On decadence and revival”, the work delves into the reasons behind the internal decay and the relation between tradition and modernity; revival and the problem of dictatorship; abolishment of the caliphate; caliphate in the absence of the Infallible Imams; and Iran and the Constitution.

Compiled for the BA students of political science and history as a textbook for a course in Political Thoughts in Islam and Iran, this book familiarizes university students and researchers with the transformations of political ideas and thought of political thinkers in Islam.

Author(s) : Hatam Qaderi , PhD