Political System and State in Islam

Author(s) : Davoud Feirahi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Bagher Al-Olum Institute of Higher Education
Code : 664
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 2003
14th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
332 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0071-8

ISBN : 978-600-02-0071-8

In an Islamic society, just like all other human societies, government is not only testimony to the existence of a collection of institutions, but also indicates that there are especial attitudes and unique ways of behaving and acting exclusively called Islamic culture, which are actually a part of the Islamic civilization.
The major goal of this book is on the one hand, to study the logical and systematic framework of each of the theories of political system in Iran and then to probe into their ways of invoking the proof of the Quran and the Tradition and that of the consensus and reason on the other.

The book discusses three significant theories of political systems, those of the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Khawarej. Each theory is divided into old and modern era. This way, besides explaining the general characteristics of the most important hexapartite theory in the Islamic thought, attempt has been made to evaluate their internecine relations, their influences on and from one another in the Islamic thought, and also the influence of great movements of thoughts outside the Islamic civilization, like western modernity in the general conception of theories of political systems. A separate section of the book is also assigned to the issue of theories of political systems in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Recommended as the main textbook for the course Political System and State in Islamfor the BA students of political science, this book studies the logical and systematic framework of each of the theories of political system in Iran and then probes into their ways of invoking the proof of the Quran and the Tradition and that of the consensus and reason.

Author(s) : Davoud Feirahi, PhD

Selected Book of the 13th Best Academic Book Award, 2004
Ranked First in the 6th Festival of Best Researchers in the Field of Religion and Culture, 2004