Groups : Archeology

A History of Persian Architecture in the Islamic Period

Author(s) : Mohammad Yūsef Kiani, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 122
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 1998
19th Print Publication: 2020
Available Languages : Persian
323 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-122-8

ISBN : 978-964-459-122-8

This book has subdivided the Islamic architecture to distinct periods of Islamic architecture from the beginning to the Saljuqids, from the Saljuqids to the Teymūrids, and from the Safavids to the present and addresses the issue of the religious and secular constructions such as the Imam Reza (AS) mausoleum and Ganj-I ali khan complex.

Archeological studies and excavations show that the history of Persian Architecture dates back to the 7th century BC. Since then, this art has developed in relation to various, especially religious, factors.

During the Islamic period, more than any other building, it was the construction of mosques which was focused upon. Persian architecture with different styles, various ground plans, and magnificent ornamentations has added to the splendor f the mosques. Shrines, mausoleum of religious and political elites similar to the mosques with varying ground plans, domed ceilings, and ornamentations like plaster-work, brick-work, and tiling has given special credit to the architecture of the Islamic period.

When the learning system underwent transformations and the educational establishments were separated from the mosques the construction of schools took a different course. Architectural features of schools in tandem with the transformations in the architecture of the mosques entered a new phase; and the architecture of schools were modified in the vein of the architectural characteristics of the mosques.        

The Takiye, the Hosseynie, the Musallah buildings in which different religious rites are performed have special status in cities and are used in times of public mourning particularly during Muharram by the devotees of the twelve inerrant Imams.

This book, in sixteen chapters, studies the architecture of mosques, shrines, schools, the Hosseynie, the Takiye, the Musallah, castles, bridges, water-stores, baths, caravanserais, mansions, and minarets. Afterwards, the book discusses the norms on which the Islamic architecture of Persia are formed, gives detail about the arches and domes in Islamic architecture and gives an account of the architects, skilled masons and artists of the Islamic period. There are outstanding black and white as well as colored pictures in the book.

Author(s) : Mohammad Yūsef Kiani, PhD