اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب قسم العلوم الأساسية

English for the Students of Sciences

المؤلف (ون) : Behnoosh Akhavan , Parivash Behgam , Esmail Faghih , PhD , Manoochehr Haghani
الناشر : مؤسسة سمت
رمز الكتاب : ٦
Updated At : ٠٢ فبراير ٢٠٢٢
الطبعة الأولى : ١٩٨٨
الطبعة الـ ٢٥: ٢٠١٨
اللغات المتوفرة : الإنجليزية
٢٢٤ صفحة
رقم ISBN : 978-964-459-006-1

رقم ISBN : 978-964-459-006-1
Also Available as E-book

Pronunciation Symbols
Lesson 1. Science and Its Subdivisions ; The Simple Present Tense
Lesson 2. The Science of Physics ; Passive Voice
Lesson 3. Electricity ; Helping Verbs (Auxiliaries)
Lesson 4. Magnets ; Relative (Adjective) Clauses
Lesson 5. The Science of Chemistry ; Reduced Relative (Adjective) Clauses
Lesson 6. Matter-The Stuff of Environment ; The Simple Past Tense Lesson 7. Acids, Bases, and Salts ; Compound Nouns
Lesson 8. Biology as a Field of Inquiry ; The -ing Form
Lesson 9. The Signs of Life ; Thought-Connectives
Lesson 10. Photosynthesis, The Food-Making Process ; Conditional Sentences
Lesson 11. Mathematics Is a Language ; IT in Subject Position in Technical Writing
Lesson 12. Basic Arithmetical Operations ; Two-Word Verbs
Lesson 13. An Introduction to Statistics ; The Infinitive
Lesson 14. An Introduction to Geology ; The s Form and Naming
Lesson 15. The Computer ; The Present Perfect Tense
Lesson 16. The Science of Nutrition ; Comparisons
Lesson 17. The Prospects of Pure Science ; Adverb Phrases
Schematic Plan of Each Lesson

المؤلف (ون) : Behnoosh Akhavan , Parivash Behgam , Esmail Faghih , PhD , Manoochehr Haghani