اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب قسم القانون الجنائي وعلم الجريمة
English for Students of Criminal Law and Criminology
1. Criminal Law
2. The Nature and Development of Criminal law
3. Constitutional Limitations of Criminal law
4. The General Part of the Penal Code I, II
5. The General Part of the Penal Code III
6. The General Part of the Penal Code IV and Particular Offenses I
7. Particular Offenses II
8. Criminal Procedure I, II
9. Criminal Procedure III, IV
10. Criminal Procedure V
11. Administration of Criminal Justice and Correction
12. Probation
13. Forms of Crime Control
14. Development of the Prison System and Reformatory Movement
15. An Emerging Philosophy
16. Official Organization
17. Main offences Against the Person, I, II
18. The Homicide Offences
19. Manslaughter I, II
20. Introduction to Property Offences
21. Crimes Against Property Larceny
22. False Pretenses
23. Blameworthiness
24. Offences: Property