اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب قسم القانون العام
English for the Students of Public Law
1. The Rule of Law
2. The Theory of the Separation of Powers
3. Elective Dictatorship
4. Individual Responsibility
5. The Nature of Constitutional Law
6. Definition and Scope of Constitutional Law
7. Non-Legal Rules of the Constitution
8. Characteristics of Constitutions
9. Unitary and Federal Systems
10. The Constitution and the Executive
11. The Unique Role of the United States Judiciary
12. The Supreme Court and Individual Rights
13. Features of constitutional Government
14. The Practice of Constitutional Government
15. Administrative Law
16. The Common-Law System
17. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
18. The Courts
19. Irrationality
20. Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
21. Arrest and Detention