اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب قسم علوم التربة (المياه والبيئة)

English for the Students of Soil Science (Water and Environment )

المؤلف (ون) : Mohammad Hassan Roozitalab , PhD , Hamid Siadat , PhD
الناشر : مؤسسة سمت
رمز الكتاب : ٣٢٣
Updated At : ٠٥ فبراير ٢٠٢٢
الطبعة الأولى : ١٩٩٨
الطبعة الـ ١١: ٢٠١٩
اللغات المتوفرة : الإنجليزية
٢٣٢ صفحة
رقم ISBN : 978-964-530-960-0

رقم ISBN : 978-964-530-960-0
Also Available as E-book

1. Modern Concept of Soil
2. Soil Science, A Vital Discipline
3. Physical and Chemical Properties of Clay Soils
4. Clay Minerals
5. New Trends in Soil Survey
6. Classification of Land Suitability for Citrus Production Using DRAINMOD
7. N Transformations in Soils
8. Nutrient Diffusion
9. Phosphorus Losses From Soils
10. Recognition and Production of Soil Pollution
11. New Issues and Challenges in Soil Physics Research
12. Hydraulic Conductivity, Diffusivity, and Sorptivity of Unsaturated Soils: Field
13. Salt Balance in Sustainable Irrigated Farming
14. Prediction Technology for Soil Erosion by Water: Status and Research Needs
15. Soil Degradation Types
16. Empirical Analysis of Slope and Runoff for Sediment Delivery From Interrill Areas
17. Potential Application of Biotechnology in Soil Scince

المؤلف (ون) : Mohammad Hassan Roozitalab , PhD , Hamid Siadat , PhD