دراسة الأعمال الإسلامية المترجمة (2)

A Study of Islamic Texts English Translation (II)

المؤلف (ون) : Salar Manafi Anari , PhD
الناشر : مؤسسة سمت
بالتعاون مع : جامعة العلامة طباطبائي
رمز الكتاب : ٥٢٢
Updated At : ٠۷ فبراير ٢٠٢٢
الطبعة الأولى : ٢٠٠١
الطبعة الـ ١٥: ٢٠٢٠
٢۷٦ صفحة
رقم ISBN : 978-964-8415-79-7

رقم ISBN : 978-964-8415-79-7

Lesson One: Legitimate Expansions
Lesson Two: Types of Legitimate Expansions
Lesson Three: Types of Legitimate Reductions
Lesson Four: Functional Equivalence
Lesson Five: Form and Meaning
Test One
Lesson Six: Acceptable Types of Translation
Lesson Seven: Priorities in Translating
Lesson Eight: Literary Translation
Lesson Nine: Translating Poetry
Lesson Ten: Literary Translation as a Branch of Comparative Literature
Test Two
Lesson Eleven: Ideal Translation
Lesson Twelve: Translation of Metaphor
Lesson Thirteen: Translation Assessment (1)
Lesson Fourteen: Translation Assessment (2)
Lesson Fifteen: Translation Assessment (3)
Test Three
Answers to the Tests

المؤلف (ون) : Salar Manafi Anari , PhD