مجموعة مقالات المؤتمر الوطني الأول لتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للأغراض الخاصة والأكاديمية (2)
Proceedings of the First National ESP/EAP Conference Volume (II)
Part I : Papers
1. ESP in Iran from Language Planning Perspective(Lotfollah Yarmohamadi)
2. ESP Methodology: A Transition from the Present State (Aram Reza Sadeghi)
3. Trends in ESP & EGP (mohammad Zohrabi)
4. EAP and the Communicative Use of Language (Giti Karimkhanlui)
5. Current Views on Syllabus Design (Massoud Rahimpour)
6. Developing Communicative Syllabus in ESP/EAP Classes & HOW to Deal with it in EFL Situations (Mehdi Rahimian)
7. Teachers as Coordinators in Developing ESP Curriculum (Ayyob Jodairi)
8. Issues of Learning EMP at University: An Analysis of Students' Perspectives (Jafar Askari Arani)
9. Failure of Meeting EST Objectives (Amir Mahdavi-Zafarghandi)
10. Teaching Writing for Academic Purposes (Saber Delshad)
11. An Evaluation of Writing Courses for Tourism in Iran (Maryam Hosseini & Mahmood Reza Atai)
Part II : Sample Lesson Proposals
12. A Process-oriented, Interactive EAP Project on Medical English: A Case Report (Javad Gholamy & Zhila Mohammad Nia & Morteza Asl Rasouli)
13. EAP Materials Evaluation in Iran: English for Students of Civil Engineering (Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi)
14. Graphic Organizers as an Effective Study Technique in an ESP Class (Afsaneh Dehnad)
15. An ESP Lesson Proposal for Students of Psychology (Sasan Baleghizadeh)