الدليل العلمي لإعداد وتدوين المواد الدراسية لمعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية
Materials Development English Language Teachers : A Practical Guide
Materials Development for English Language Teachers: A Practical Guide offers:
1) a taxonomy of English language lessons
2) characteristics of effective materials for all language skills and components
3) characteristics of effective materials for three well-known syllabus types
4) a discussion of content-based materials
5) basic principles of materials adaptation and evaluation
6) samples of published materials from a variety of course books
7) stimulating tasks and thought-provoking questions for discussion
Chapter 1: Lesson Planning
Chapter 2: Developing English Language Lessons
Chapter 3: Developing Structural Materials
Chapter 4: Developing Functional-Notional Materials
Chapter 5: Developing Task-Based Materials
Chapter 6: Developing Materials for Teaching Grammar
Chapter 7: Developing Materials for Teaching Vocabulary
Chapter 8: Developing Materials for Teaching Pronunciation
Chapter 9: Developing Materials for Teaching Listening Comprehensio
Chapter 10: Developing Materials for Teaching Speaking
Chapter 11: Developing Materials for Teaching Reading Comprehension
Chapter 12: Developing Materials for Teaching Writing
Chapter 13: Developing Content-Based Materials
Chapter 14: Choosing and Adapting Coursebooks