اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب علوم المختبرات

اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب علوم المختبرات

English for the Students of Laboratory

المؤلف (ون) : Ehya Amalsaleh , PhD , Mohammad Rafatbakhsh
الناشر : مؤسسة سمت
رمز الكتاب : ١٦٤٩
Updated At : ٢٥ يناير ٢٠٢٢
الطبعة الأولى : ٢٠١٢
الطبعة الـ ٤: ٢٠١٩
اللغات المتوفرة : الإنجليزية
٢٠٠ صفحة
رقم ISBN : 978-964-530-836-8

رقم ISBN : 978-964-530-836-8

Given the spread of English as the language of international, an increasing number of people feel they need to employ English in their occupational contexts, and the students of laboratory sciences are no exception. They need English in laboratories, for educational purposes, research activities, etc. The learners may not achieve this important goal if they are not equipped well with English. The present book, containing various reading texts from among recent and reliable sources in the field of laboratory sciences, was prepared to meet this end. The book employed the language appropriate to the laboratory sciences discipline in terms of grammar, vocabulary, terminology as well as discourse and genre. H

المؤلف (ون) : Ehya Amalsaleh , PhD , Mohammad Rafatbakhsh